Harnessing the Benefits: Resistance Training and Type 2 Diabetes

Harnessing the Benefits: Resistance Training and Type 2 Diabetes

The Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes

1 in every 10 individuals in a room will have type 2 diabetes.

According to the CDC, around 37 million Americans have diabetes, with approximately 90-95% of those cases being type 2 diabetes.

While type 2 diabetes used to mainly affect individuals over the age of 45, it has unfortunately become more common (though not normal) to see this condition in children and teenagers due to the prevalence of the standard American Diet.

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by the body's difficulty in regulating blood sugar levels.

Benefits of Resistance Training on Type 2 Diabetes

Physical activity, including resistance training and cardio, is important for people with type 2 diabetes. It is considered the cornerstone of type 2 diabetes prevention and management. Being more active is beneficial for managing blood glucose levels and improving insulin sensitivity.

These lifestyle changes can lead to lower risks of heart disease and nerve damage, which are common consequences of type 2 diabetes.

Additional Benefits of Strength Training

Strength training offers additional benefits beyond managing blood glucose levels and improving type 2 diabetes. It can help maintain a healthy weight, reduce body fat, build muscle and strength, increase energy levels, improve sleep quality, enhance function and mobility, control blood glucose, lower blood pressure, and improve blood lipids (e.g., lower LDL and increase HDL).

Common Challenges in Starting Resistance Training

Many people, including those with type 2 diabetes, struggle to start resistance training due to various reasons, such as perceiving it as too hard, expecting slow results, finding it unfun, considering it expensive, lacking time, feeling too old, or feeling out of shape.

However, these reasons are not ultimately true, and there are ways to turn these excuses into solutions. We will discuss this further in tomorrow's article. For now, remember the quote:

"the heaviest weight in the gym is the front door" - unknown.

To develop strong habits, it is important to take small steps and make gradual progress on this journey, which can initially seem daunting for many individuals.

Do you need help getting started? Speak with one of our fitness coach and trainers today. Scheduled your initial consultation.
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