The Ultimate Diet for Losing Body Fat Is...

The Ultimate Diet for Losing Body Fat Is...

Are you looking for the one diet that can finally help you lose fat?

When it comes to losing fat, you will see, hear and read from many people about what they think the best diet is for finally losing that weight.

Some say, keto is the way to go.

Some say, fasting is the way to go.

Some say, paleo is the best way to go.

Some say, a carnivore diet is the best way to go.

Some say, a vegetarian or vegan diet is the best way to go.

Some say, a low fat diet is the way to go.

Some say, a low carb diet is the way to go.

How do you know who is right? How do you know what is going to work for you?

What the research shows?

Time and time again, the research (1, 2) has shown that there is no meaningful difference in fat loss between diets that are different in carbohydrate and fat content. This is true, so long as the protein and calorie content is equal.

In other words, it doesn’t matter what diet you follow if your goal is weight loss. What matters most is that you follow a diet that you can adhere to for as long as possible.

Certain Foods Cause Fat Loss?

Do certain foods influence fat loss? Yes but only through their effect on energy expenditure, hunger, satiety and therefore energy intake.

Foods that are ultra processed have been shown to increase energy intake. This makes complete sense. If a food taste good (which is the case for most ultra processed foods) then you are likely to eat more of it and therefore increase your energy intake and therefore gain weight.

Makes sense so far?

What about foods that might work in the opposite direction? What foods help reduce our hunger?

Glad you asked!

Protein, has the highest thermic effect of food among the macros. In other words, it requires the most energy (aka calories) to burn. Protein, helps to preserve lean body mass (muscle) during weight loss and therefore it helps to preserve your basal metabolic rate. Protein also helps to reduce hunger and it keeps you fuller for longer.

The same can be said about fiber, it helps decrease your hunger and keeps you fuller for longer.

At Pare & Prune we take the guess work out of weight loss. You will work closely with a coach to help get you the weight loss results you want! Sign up for your consultation today!