Module 2 - You must ask yourself these three crucial questions when it comes to weight loss

Module 2 - You must ask yourself these three crucial questions when it comes to weight loss

Day 2 Lesson

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Three Important Questions To Ask When It Comes to Weight/Fat Loss

When individuals express their desire to lose weight, it is important to note that their ultimate objective is to shed excess body fat. However, it is crucial to understand that the initial inquiry should not solely revolve around "how do I lose fat?". While this is a valid question, it is typically not the primary aspect to focus on initially.

In order to successfully achieve your desired outcome of reducing body fat (also commonly referred to as weight loss), there are three fundamental questions that should be considered and addressed:

Three Important Questions

Question #1: "What is the current amount of body fat I possess?"

Question #2: "What specific fat loss goal am I aiming for?"

Question #3: "What are the strategies and methods that can be employed to effectively reach the targeted goal?" This can be translated to "how can I effectively lose fat?"

Throughout subsequent posts, we will delve into each of these questions in detail and provide comprehensive answers to assist you in your weight/fat loss journey.

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